

Albinism is a random mutation which can happen in any breeding and is the lack of pigmentation in the coat, leaving behind a fully white or off-white coat. No markings show on the coat due to this mutation, and all albinos will always have a shade of pink for their flesh colour, rather than the common black nose.


  • No markings show on an albino Warhound.
  • Nuances must be discreet, don’t go ham on the pink colouring!
  • Albino Warhounds usually have light coloured eyes, most commonly light blue, but also have the option of having pink or red eyes.
  • Your Warhound can still be customised by certain light pink nuances around the coat where the fur is thinner, mostly on the underside of the body, and head.
  • Always has pink flesh.

[Real Life Examples]
